Open 24/7
Visit The Chicken Ranch Brothel

Come Back for Seconds

Do you remember the story of the man who had sex once in his life and lived out his days completely satisfied?

No. Us either. That’s because men have needs. Needs that have to be taken care of on a regular basis. No matter how mind-blowing the sex was, you want to have it more than once. That’s why if you’ve already visited the Chicken Ranch Brothel in Pahrump, NV,  you should seriously consider coming again.

During your first visit, you were probably really nervous. That’s normal. Not everyone is as open-minded as we are at the Chicken Ranch, and you may have been worried that someone would find out about your visit, that you wouldn’t find a girl to party with or even that your tastes would be considered too “out there” for our beautiful courtesans.

But, first, you realized that whether you got a ride here or drove yourself, visiting the Ranch and enjoying ALL it has to offer is completely private. After all, what happens in Pahrump, stays in Pahrump.

Then, you were surrounded by beautiful women, all of which were interested in getting to know you. They each had their own distinctive beauty and if anything was difficult for you, it was making a decision!

Finally, you opened up and shared your deepest desires with your selected courtesan. While you may have been concerned that she’d judge you or make fun, you were pleasantly surprised (and utterly satisfied) by how she handled your unique requests. From bondage to water play, you were able to live out your wildest fantasy… one of them, anyway.

Now, it’s been a few months. Maybe even a few years. The memory remains in your head and thankfully you can call it to mind whenever the “need” arises. However, there’s no substitution for the real thing. You can still see the delicate line of your courtesan’s breasts, remember the taste of her lips, and the feeling of her body enveloping you. But, you could certainly use a refresher.

We’re here for you. We are a legal Brothel in Nevada, yep, the ones you’ve heard about!

Why not come back? Our courtesans miss you.

When you return to the Chicken Ranch Brothel for a second (or third…) time, you’re experience may be even better. We know, you didn’t think that was possible, did you?

You’ll be more comfortable

The nervousness is gone. You know what to expect. You know that no matter how awkward or uncomfortable you felt going in that first time, our ladies made that feeling melt away. Let our ladies put your body completely at ease. Well, most of your body anyway.

You can meet another lovely lady

Chances are you had an amazing time with your courtesan. You can visit her again if you like. You could even ask her to bring a friend. Our ladies love to party together and you can be honest… you’ve always wanted to experience the pleasure of two ladies at the same time. Let’s us make that happen for you. If you’d like to peruse our ladies online, you can make a request ahead of time and make sure they’ll be available.

You can bring another fantasy to life

Maybe you played it safe on your visit and asked for straight missionary. Nothing wrong with that. But, maybe your courtesan put you so at ease, that you shared your innermost desires with her. Maybe you acted out the fantasy that’s been on your mind for years. That’s okay too. It’s also very rare that we meet anyone who only has one fantasy. It’s good to be honest with your courtesan. There’s probably a list of scenarios you’ve wanted to play out and she (or they) can help you do that.

Whether it’s your second or your fiftieth visit to the Chicken Ranch Brothel, you’re sure to have an experience that will leave you smiling, satisfied, and singing your courtesan’s praises… for now.