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Unblock Telegram Channels on Apple iOS

TL;DR – Go directly to the Telegram unblock solution

As a business, we’re always expanding our online presence. Though as anyone in the sex industry knows, it’s not without its frustrations.

Building up your following only to get shadow-banned, suspended, or shut down are par for the course with Social Media giants and the adult industry. Even if you do follow their rules, those rules can be changed without notice. One day you can be in compliance, the next, you may be breaking their rules.

It is this reason why we embrace new Social Media platforms that are proponents of free speech, like Telegram. Telegram is an end-to-end, open-source, encrypted messaging app that is a “one to many” form of communication. There are no algorithms that shadow-ban or determine what posts you want to see.

That’s why we were dismayed to see that our very own Lexy had some users seeing this on her channel.

Now we know that Lexy promotes hot stuff, but far from “pornographic”, and this coming from a free speech platform? After further research, we saw that it’s not Telegram that’s blocking her subscribers, it’s Apple. Android users can see her content just fine.

Here are Telegram’s Terms of Service, which are super easy.

Here’s What To Do

So how do you get around Apple? Telegram is as frustrated as their users are, so they have 2 official “web apps” that operate just like the downloadable app from the app store. They operate in your phone’s web browser and you’ll hardly notice a difference.

1: Click either WebZ or WebK from your device’s browser (we recommend the Brave browser but you can use any). Keep in mind that Telegram links will want to open in the iOS app, so you may want to delete it completely, but you don’t have to. You’ll want to keep it especially if you need voice and video calls, secret chats, and some other features that aren’t yet suppoerted. So you can have both on your phone without issue!

2: Follow the directions- login to your Telegram account, place the icon on your homescreen and you’re good to go!

3: Follow The Chicken Ranch Telegram and check our Courtesan list to see who’s on Telegram!

Final Note

I’ll leave the final note to the Founder/CEO of Telegram: