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The Do’s And Dont’s Of A Brothel Part 2

If you haven’t already read it, be sure to read the Do’s and Dont’s of a Brothel Part 1 here!

You keep hearing how amazing the brothel experience can be and now you’re heading out to the Chicken Ranch in Pahrump, Nevada to see what all the fuss is about. You’ve read all about what to expect, but you are still a bit nervous about how to conduct yourself once you get there.

With these simple Do’s and Don’ts you can put your mind at ease so the ladies can put your body at ease.


1) Do Be Safe: While you may have always dreamed of flying without a net, now is not the time. Condoms are 100% mandatory for everyone’s safety and peace of mind, not to mention they are required by law. Rest assured that you will still be blown away by the pleasure your courtesan will dole out.

2) Do Communicate: Have you ever had a professional massage where they ask you “How’s the pressure?” or “Are there any spots you’d like me to focus on?”. Communicating what you are feeling is important to a massage therapist, but it’s even more important when it comes to your courtesan. She wants to make you feel good. She wants to give you pleasure and memories to last a lifetime. She just needs your guidance. If there is a part of your body that you do or don’t want attended to, let her know. Tell her how you like to be touched, and if you don’t know, just tell her what feels good as she’s doing it.

3) Do Bring your Fantasies (and leave your inhibitions at home): The Chicken Ranch is a no-judgment zone. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to try, let your lady know. Everyone likes to get a little bit freaky in the bedroom from time to time. The happy people are the ones who admit it and experiment.

4) Do Have Fun: It should go without saying, but we’ll say it anyway. The brothel experience is all about having a good time. It should be enjoyable to have a beautiful woman catering to your desires, licking, kissing, spanking you. If for any reason you aren’t enjoying yourself, let your courtesan know so she can make the necessary changes. At the end of the day (or night), you should walk out saying “Best. Time. Ever.”


1)Don’t Bargain: Have you ever asked a plumber for a discount on your bathroom redo? A mechanic for a break on your brakes? No. So don’t ask for a discount here. These gorgeous women are providing a service for you (and quite the valuable one at that), and they deserve to be paid for their time. You’ll discuss price up front and if it’s out of your budget, you’ll need to choose a less expensive service or find someone else that you can afford.

2) Don’t Use it as a therapy session: Sex is incredibly intimate and it’s okay to share some of your feelings with your courtesan, just don’t go overboard. These ladies aren’t therapists, and they aren’t qualified to unpack emotional baggage. Enjoy the sex. Relish the release.

3) Don’t Use physical violence or try to overpower the ladies: This is another one that should go without saying, but it’s so important, you should actually read it twice. Don’t ever hit, push, or restrain (without their approval) your courtesan. Yes, you are probably stronger. No, you should never prove it. Remember that this should be a safe environment for everyone involved.

4) Don’t Limit Yourself to just one: Potato chip jokes aside, this is your time. Live out your fantasies. Tap into your wildest desires. If that includes partying with more than one lady at a time, splurge. Your visit to the Chicken Ranch should be an experience you never forget.

Your brothel visit will be a pleasurable one if you remember these Do’s and Don’ts. Our skilled courtesans are here to ensure that your time at the Ranch leaves you smiling, satisfied, and marking your calendar for a return visit.