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Visit The Chicken Ranch Brothel

The Do’s and Dont’s of a Brothel

You’ve finally made the decision. You want to see for yourself what all this brothel talk is about, and you’re headed out to visit the Chicken Ranch in Pahrump, Nevada.

Whether you visit on your own, with some buddies, or with your significant other, there are some common mistakes to avoid that will ensure you have the best possible time for your money. Read on to find out what you absolutely should not do when visiting the Chicken Ranch.

1) Drink..OK, drunk…not so much: Let’s be honest, alcohol doesn’t always bring out the best in people.
Whether you get aggressive, obnoxious, emotional, or just… ahem… unable to perform at your usual level, boozing it up is not the way to woo the ladies. Of course you could relax with a drink or two in our bar while you are chatting up the courtesans, just keep in mind that you want to enjoy (and remember) your visit.

2) Be prepared to discuss money up front: Our lovely ladies are running a business and all financial discussions and transactions happen before the passion begins.

3) Understand there are rules and practices…ask questions: Yes, you’re here to have an amazing time.
Yes, the ladies are here to make sure that you have an experience you’ll never forget. How does this happen? By following the rules. Ask your sexy courtesan what you can and can’t do in the bedroom (or the Dungeon, or the spa), and how you request other services, stay safe, show appreciation, etc.

4) Never ignore the courtesans when they tell you no or not to do something.

5) Be respectful: These ladies are professionals, and you should show them respect and gratitude for their service. If you wouldn’t say or do something to your girlfriend or wife, don’t do it to one of our courtesans.

6) Be honest: Our gorgeous courtesans want to blow your mind, rock your world, and make your experience unforgettable. They are amazingly talented when it comes to sex, however they aren’t the best mind readers. Be honest with the lady (or ladies) you’ve chosen. Tell them what turns you on, what makes you nervous, and what will have you singing their praises.

7) Come clean: Things are about to get seriously hot and sweaty. That doesn’t mean you should start out that way. Arriving freshly showered, well groomed, and not doused in enough body spray for an entire basketball team, will go a long way to making you a favorite with the ladies.

8) Brains, beauty or compassion…your choice:: Obviously, you want to be attracted to the woman you choose to party with, but looks aren’t everything. Finding a courtesan that you connect with will create even steamier memories for you to take home. Take some time to get to know the ladies in our bar before you make your choice. Find a woman that makes you laugh, puts you at ease, and gets all the blood rushing to your… well, you know.

9) Smartin up…pay attention: Have you ever been on a date where the woman was texting and checking emails all night? When you are with your courtesan, be with your courtesan. Give her your full attention so that she can give you hers. Enjoy the intimacy, the physical pleasure, and the sweet release while you can. You can always check your Fantasy Football team later.

When you are relatively sober, respectful, communicative, clean, and present, you will ensure that your visit to the Chicken Ranch is stimulating and satisfying. Our sexy courtesans will send you home with a big smile on your face and memories to last a lifetime.

Liked this post? Check Part 2 here!